Port Renfrew Fishing Weather
General Weather:
Wind Conditions:
Ocean Conditions (waves):
- Port Renfrew Tides: Site 1 and Site 2 (unofficial)
- Currents:
Juan de Fuca West Entrance
- Current program, download on your computer: Tideview
- Animated Current Model:
Western Juan de Fuca Strait to Jordan River
- Tide tips: need at least 3 feet (1 metre) of water to exit Port Renfrew Marina through the river
- Halibut fishing best at slack tide (when there's less water movement)
- Salmon fishing best on one hour on either side of slack tide (feeding time!)
Surfing forecast sites:
Port Renfrew Satellite Map and Marine Chart
Safety first!
Watch the weather carefully, things can change quickly out there.
Know your limits.

Port Renfrew Fishing Adventures
Phone: 1-250-642-2587