June 1st, 2010
The fishing out of Port Renfrew has really heated up this week. Great reports from Jolly Rogers Fishing, Hindsight Fishing Charters, Seawind Fishing Adventures, and Vicious Fish Guiding.
The salmon fishing is pretty steady, with plenty of 18-20 pound spring salmon caught, and the occasional nice Tyee 30 pounds plus.
Halibut has been steady too, with most boats bringing home halibut from 30-50 pounds.
The crabbing in the San Juan Harbour has been excellent.
The weather’s a bit cool, and some windy days, but the fishing is good, so that makes up for a lot.
See you out there!
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May 22nd, 2010
This week has seen some hot salmon fishing, with quick limits up to 25 pounds and the occasional 30 pounder weighed in. The fishing was spread from the Rockpile to Logan Creek.
There was one unsubstantiated report of a lucky angler who caught a 40 pound spring salmon off Nitinat, while jigging for rock fish with a buzz bomb. That’s a pretty nice bycatch…
As of yesterday (Friday), the salmon fishing had slowe
d though, with very few salmon taken. It remains to be seen if the run has passed through, or if it simply a reaction to a low pressure system passing through. Let’s hope it is just a one day blip, for all the folks that have to come to Port Renfrew camping for the weekend.

- Halibut caught with Jolly Rogers Fishing Charters, Port Renfrew BC
Halibut fishing remains steady out towards Carmanah, with halibut regularly 30-50 pounds or bigger for those patient enough to wait and with some luck. Jolly Rogers Fishing Charters sent in this photo of some 30 pounders caught last week.
With the busy long weekend, the RCMP have roadblocks up in Renfrew…be careful out there. No drinking and driving! Play safe!
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May 16th, 2010
 Dan Burkmar 30 pound salmon, Camper Creek
Reports out of Port Renfrew this weekend are that the fishing is really picking up!
Mike and Dan Burkmar sent in this photo of a 30 pound chinook salmon caught off Camper Creek this weekend … that’s Dan with the Tyee…way to go!
Steve from SeaWind Fishing Charters had 4 days in a row last week. He said the halibut fishing was slow for a couple of days until they found them, then they couldn’t keep them off. He caught and released a whole bunch until they got their limit of 30-50 pounders. He also reported very good salmon fishing action between Logan Creek and the Rockpile, lots of scrappy 20-25 pound spring salmon. His guests from Germany had never seen fishing so good, left with HUGE smiles on their faces. Unfortunately, they missed the humpback whale show the next day — Steve estimates 30 whales, absolutely incredible.
 Vicious Fish Charters....some more happy guests
Des from Vicious Fish Charters had a few good days too, in much the same spots, some fun days for salmon and halibut.
Things are definitely heating up … hopefully a good sign for the summer ahead!
 110 pound halibut!
Tags: Camper Creek, Dungeness Crabs, halibut fishing, Logan Creek, Port Renfrew early season fishing, salmon fishing, San Juan harbour, SeaWind Fishing Charters, Vicious Fish Charters Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »
May 14th, 2010
 Randy from RT Construction with some nice halibut
A couple early season reports from the fishing guides in Port Renfrew.
Kevin McKenna Sport Fishing: out with Randy from RT construction. The rods buckled over at the same time, a double header off Sombrio Beach … and another happy guest! Kevin reports Port Renfrew fishing is really starting to turn on….he hit quite a few spring salmon this morning.
John from HindSight Fishing Charters sent some photos fro the weekend too. Fishing with Lance, MacGregor, and the boys, some nice halibut. John also said the salmon fishing has been good lately too.
As a bonus, the crabbing in San Juan harbour is reported to be absolutely incredible … worth the visit just for that!
 HindSight Fishing brings in some nice halibut
 Springtime fishing with Hindsight Charters
Tags: Dungeness Crabs, halibut fishing, Hindsight Fishing Charters, McKenna Sport Fishing Charters, Port Renfrew early season fishing, salmon fishing, San Juan harbour, sombrio beach Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »
May 9th, 2010
Fishing around Port Renfrew continues to be steady for salmon, halibut, and crab … though early season weather remains a problem at times. Have to get your fishing in around the gales.
Here’s a photo of Kevin at McKenna Sport Fishing with a couple of nice halibut.
Des from Vicious Fish Charters caught an 80 pound halibut and several more in the 40 to 50 pound range. He also caught Chinook salmon up to 20 pounds and a variety of bottom fish.
Steve from SeaWind Fishing Charters got in a nice day’s fishing in Port Renfrew last week, for both weather and fishing fun. His guests landed 3 halibut around 40lbs and hooked something big that broke off … the one that got away! He also reported some excellent lingcod 10-20lbs and a bonus of two traps full of rock hard dungeness crabs.
Time to get out there for some early season west coast Vancouver Island fishing…good luck!
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April 26th, 2010
 Halibut on a trout rod
John from Hind Sight Fishing Charters has been out chasing halibut out of Port Renfrew lately. Today he caught 4, up to 50 pounds. Earlier this week, he fished with Bass Pro Al Patton, who caught this halibut on a trout rod.
Steve from Seawind Fishing Charters reports some fun days fishing out of Port Renfrew last week. He caught limits of spring salmon in the teens up to 25 pounds at the Rockpile and towards Owen Point. He also caught halibut up to 70 pounds. The crabbing is reported to fantastic in the San Juan harbour…chock full of big hard shell male Dungeness crabs, as they regularly are this time of year.
So there’s good fishing to be had, time to get out to Port Renfrew and give it a go.
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April 5th, 2010
Early April fishing report for Port Renfrew. Some stormy days and some serious winter-style surf, but in between some people have been sneaking out for some good fishing.
John from Hindsight Fishing Charters reports lots of nice spring salmon off Owen Point, in the teens, up to 20 lbs.
Des from Vicious Fish Charters has continued to have some fun, chasing both halibut and salmon…a couple of photos below.
An intersting youtube video…Jordan River to Port Renfrew in 3 minutes: a short video showing the drive to Renfrew. Wish it could be this fast in real-time!

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March 24th, 2010
A couple of reports of early season fishing action heating up in Port Renfrew.
For salmon, one report had a lucky angler hooking 18 spring salmon, 15-25 pounds off the rockpile at Logan Creek.
Looks like it is game on for fishing in Port Renfrew once again!
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March 14th, 2010
Spring is springing on the south-west coast of Vancouver Island. Still no solid fishing reports out of Port Renfrew, but there’s some signs of life.
Trevor from No Bananas Fishing Charters passes on a rumour of some Port Renfrew locals catching some very early season spring salmon off Camper Creek … limits of high teens to low twenties fish. So the season may be starting sooner than you think!
Early season weather is always iffy, with some winter-style storms still marching through. So if you do head out there for some fishing, make sure you check the weather reports carefully. Safety first!
The photo is of a little bonsai tree perched in Fairy Lake, partway between Port Renfrew and Cowichan Lake.
Good luck out there!
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February 19th, 2010
No fishing report this week…still not much fishing going on in Port Renfrew. But the weather is getting warmer, the sun is out, and the cherry blossoms are starting … that means it is coming soon. Very soon!
In the meantime, the Victoria Boat Show is this weekend, Feb 19-21. A good chance to replenish the tackle box and look at those big boats you can’t afford.
 Fishing reports will be posted shortly…
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