March 11 Port Renfrew Fishing Report
We still have not heard any reports from Port Renfrew yet...the halibut fishing has been pretty good around Victoria, so the South Island fishing effort is still focused around the city. As the weather warms up and the ocean weather stabilizes, we'll start hearing more about people chasing fish around Port Renfrew.
In the meantime, here's a couple of things from last year. First is a video posted by John at Hindsight Fishing Charters. A no-net catch and release of a pretty nice looking Chinook salmon... there's more salmon where that came from, better to wait for a bigger one and let that one grow up a bit... [sorry for the bad language]

And here's a fishing tale from "the Newfs", to get you thinking about summer (not Port Renfrew, but what the heck, it's Vancouver Island, so close enough... :-)
"The story goes the three of us were camping this summer right on the water. After spending almost a week at the site, we got to know our fellow campers quite well, and they would always watch us launch around 7pm for two hours of power fishing on the "hump", and anxiously await our return to see if the fishing was good. One evening Chels and I went out by ourselves. I let Chels pick out the tackle. She chose an old apex, that wasn't even rigged, from the bottom of the tackle box. I put a little treble hook on it, and away we went. Within 20 minutes, and to our amazement, we had a fish at about 220 feet on our line. Chels at seven years of age, did a magnificent job steering the boat, and securing the net while I reeled it in. Needless to say, we were thrilled, and Chelsea was especially proud, to show off her 20 pounder to the campfire gang to a standing ovation. The end. P.S. Chels beat mommy's 8 pounder from two nights before."
Way to go Chelsea! Something for us all to think about, as winter winds down, and we all begin to think about summer fish to come.
Good luck out there.
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