May 28 Port Renfrew Fishing Report
Jolly Rogers Fishing reports that the halibut fishing is pretty steady, with limit catches of decent sized halibut (50-60 lbs) coming in fairly regularly. John sent in some pictures of his son Finn halibut and crab catches -- way to go Finn!

As well, there are reports of medium size spring salmon (10-15 pound) being caught off East Point and "the beach". It seems to be starting, and should only get better over the next few weeks.
The crabbing is great right now too, with traps in Port Renfrew Harbour quickly full of big , tasty Dungeness. Check out our posting on boiled crab -- easy to catch, easy to cook, Vancouver Island delicacy!
Starting June 1, the fishing regulations will allow 2 halibut to kept per day, per angler, with a possession limit of 2. The regulations for salmon remain the same as last year, 4 salmon total, of which 2 can be spring (chinook) and 2 can be hatchery coho.
Hope to see you soon in Port Renfrew for a fishing adventure.
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